So this is an interesting one... When I was designing my perfect knitting bag back in 2016 I wanted to design a bag that was as life proof as I could make it. A waterproof and washable knitting bag! Sourcing materials has always been the biggest challenge in what I do... I have high standards and expectations from my materials and I want them to feel right and last a long time. 

This lead me to two UK mill's I've tried and tested both of their canvas' over the years but one has really stood out for me, you can purchase re-proofing spray to restore and protect your bags here

Our stock range of iconic roll top bags, both the #03 and the smaller #08's are made in a waterproof, washable canvas. The canvas will withstand between 20-30 washes before needing reproofing and this can be done an unlimited amount of times... Like a good jacket these bags are designed to last a lifetime and to only become more beautiful with age. 


June 15, 2023 — Fionnghuala Shearman

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